Executive Board
Pradyumn Acharya
Pradyumn Acharya is a fourth-year Linguistics and Computer Science (that’s one major) student who hails from Fremont, CA. While he was initially hesitant about studying the Linguistics portion of his major, it has grown over him in the past three years and he particularly enjoys learning about syntax.
Pradyumn entered the world of Model United Nations seven years ago in his freshman year of high school. His experience in high school taught him a lot of interpersonal skills and debating techniques, which has held him in good stead ever since. In his senior year of high school, he became the co-president of his school club, leading the organization through the uncertain days of the COVID era.
Pradyumn joined MUN @ UCLA in his fall quarter of freshman year when he staffed a BruinMUN GA committee in the 2021 iteration of the conference. He has staffed or senior staffed a BruinMUN committee during all of his years of college. He has traveled to seven conferences on the collegiate circuit, with a roughly even split of west-coast and east-coast conferences. When it comes to LAMUN, the collegiate conference hosted by MUN @ UCLA, Pradyumn staffed it his freshman year, senior staffed it his sophomore year, and, most recently, served as the USG of Crisis in his junior year. Pradyumn had the additional pleasure as serving as the Director of Technology for the club in his sophomore year. In his eight, and what should be his final, year in Model UN, Pradyumn looks forward to the opportunity of leading this vibrant student organization onwards and upwards.
While Pradyumn does enjoy studying the linguistics portion of his major, it is to little avail as Pradyumn intends on pursuing a career in software engineering post-graduation. He is open to joining a tech start up or joining a large tech company. In his spare time, one would find Pradyumn watching YouTube videos (especially ones pertaining to cricket, his favorite sport), reading e-books, or exploring the great outdoors.
Kamran Sheriff
BruinMUN Secretary-General
Hailing from the tranquil and serene town of Claremont, CA, Kamran is a fourth year Political Science Major with a concentration on American Politics and a Data Science Engineering Minor. This is his fourth and final year in Model UN since he participated in Speech and Debate in high school. Ever since joining Model UN at the beginning of his college career, he has enjoyed hanging out with companions he has met in the club and relished staffing BruinMUN and LAMUN (UCLA's collegiate conference) as well as traveling on the circuit from time to time. He is eager to carry out his duties as Secretary-General, especially after completing his term as Director General last year. Outside of academics and extracurriculars, Kamran is somewhat of an idiosyncratic goofball. He loves reading, spending time with friends, cooking, clumsily trying new things, and doing anything and everything besides his homework until the last minute. Do not ask him about his incurable addiction to hot chicken and Martinelli's Apple Cider.
Lori Garavartanian
LAMUN Secretary-General
Lori is a fourth-year Political Science and Applied Linguistics double major from the San Fernando Valley (she’s finally admitted she might potentially have a valley girl accent). She’s been involved in MUN since the 8th grade when she was placed in a UNHCR and unknowingly bestowed a long future of GA committees. She’s chaired for both MUN at UCLA’s high school and college conferences and has spent the past three years emailing TAs about travel weekends.
Outside of MUN, she’s always doing a random variety of things. Whether it’s waking up at 6 AM to watch Charles Leclerc *not* put it in the wall in Monaco, defending Jayson Tatum’s honor, crafting a newsletter to send out to UCLA’s commuter population, reading another book TikTok recommended, or studying for the LSAT, it’s safe to say she’s usually busy with something. All in all, she really loves this club and everyone that makes it what it is, but she’ll always love a team that hasn’t won a championship in 20 years just that little bit more.
Dean Bruton
Director of Membership
Dean is a first-year environmental science major—with a concentration in engineering—and Arabic minor from Illinois. Appropriately, he wants to be an environmental engineer once he completes his Master’s, and he will use his position in this profession to push for more sustainable engineering practices. While Model UN is far from his intended field of study, he competed throughout high school and really enjoys it. He also enjoys getting people to fall in love with MUN, which is why he’s very excited to serve as the Director of Membership, where he can recruit new members and be the liaison between E-board and new members. If you’re interested in Model UN, just contact Dean and he’ll help you out with whatever questions you have! Outside of Model UN, his favorite sport is baseball, which he won’t shut up about. Weight lifting is another hobby he’s passionate about. He also suffers from severe seasonal depression, which is why he loves the eternally pleasant SoCal weather at UCLA. Long walks on the beach at sunset are his favorite, as long as it’s sunny and >65°F outside.
Raghu Kommalapaty
Director of Training
Raghu Kommalapaty is a 4th year Global Studies and Economics double major and his pride for his hometown of Boston is obvious with his palpable love for all things New England. He has been involved in MUN since 7th grade, and has never looked back. In high school, Raghu traveled all throughout the New England circuit and was both the secretary and president of his MUN club. He has continued this trend at UCLA where he has traveled extensively, chaired for both our high school and college conferences, served as the USG of GA at BruinMUN 30, the SG for LAMUN XIX, and is currently our Director of Training.
Outside of MUN, Raghu enjoys playing pick-up basketball, intramural sports, and skiing. He is obsessed with anything Boston sports related and is a die hard fan for both the Celtics and Patriots. He also enjoys watching anime and gaming, mostly 4x-strategy games and FPS’. After college Raghu wants to pursue a career in international business, whether that be through consulting, market expansion & strategy, or supply chain logistics. After everything is said and done he wants to return to the homeland of Massachusetts and live in his mancave.
Saksham Madaan
Director of Finance
Saksham Madaan is a third-year Business Economics major hailing from Mountain House, California (aka the middle of nowhere). This is going to be his third year in Model United Nations having been introduced to it last year. Alongside being Director of Finance, he is an active member of the travel team and has staffed both BruinMUN and LAMUN with plans to senior staff this year. Aside from MUN, Saksham is a writer for the Bruin Review and avid side quest enjoyer. After his undergraduate studies, Saksham aims to apply to law school to pursue a career in corporate law. In his free time, he enjoys geeking out on the latest superhero movie, discovering new music, taking film photos, and discovering new food hot takes.
Anton Stover
Director of External Relations
Anton is a third-year History major and Global Studies and Public Affairs double minor from Redondo Beach, CA. He joined Model UN in his sophomore year of high school, and has since never looked back. Has served as a staffer for BruinMUN and the college conference, LAMUN, previously served as the Undersecretary General for ECOSOC and Specialized Committees at BruinMUN 31, and competes on the UCLA MUN travel team. Outside of MUN, he writes for an independent campus newspaper and the Undergraduate Law Journal. Outside of school, he plays a lot of card games, obsessively checks last.fm stats, and watches motorsport.
Rohan Ghosh Choudhuri
Director of Operations
Rohan is a second-year Physiological Science major who is also on the pre-med track. Coming from the Los Angeles area, he first joined Model UN in 9th grade, where he debated for the first time. Through his past 6 years in Model UN, Rohan has served as a delegate, Crisis Director, Director of Office of Public Relations (OPI), and a chair. Along with debating on the Southern California HS circuit, he has also traveled to conferences in Montreal (SSUNS) and New York (NHSMUN). In his sixth year of Model UN (second @ UCLA), Rohan will be standing as the Director of Operations. Outside of Model UN, Rohan loves paying attention to and playing any and all sports, is an avid twitter microinfluencer, and loves listening to music (Frank Ocean). As a pre-med student, Rohan eventually hopes to become an Orthopedic Surgeon with a focus in sports medicine.
Laila Khalilieh
Director General
Laila is a senior at UCLA and is a psychology major with a minor in statistics. Upon leaving UCLA, Laila wants to attend law school and eventually wishes to pursue a career as an FBI special agent in the human trafficking or crimes against women and children units. Eventually she hopes to become a behavioral analysis profiler (yes like on criminal minds). Laila started competing in Model United Nations in college after doing Mock Trial for three years in high school. Before becoming DG, Laila has staffed and senior staffed multiple committees such as LAMUN’s Hawaii and Press Corps committee. Laila likes to say that she is only in MUN to wear cute outfits and get free Double Tree cookies but she truly loves being a part of the amazing MUN and UCLA family!
Laila enjoys excessive amounts of chocolate (you can buy her love with oreos), books (her bank account cries daily because of this), and her dog (who may or may not be pure evil).
Sydney Lester
Director of Marketing.
Sydney is a fourth year Sociology major and Middle Eastern Studies minor who hails from Huntington Beach, California. This will be her fourth year in MUN at UCLA, though her experience spans years prior in through her participation in her high school program at HBHS. She is an avid nap enthusiast, proud cat mom, and border line professional hammocker. She beams about her experiences in this program, the amazing friends she has made, and the experiences she will never forget.
Samantha Lyle
Director of Technology
Samantha is a second-year Political Science and Statistics and Data Science double major. While she cherishes her time in LA, her favorite city is her hometown, Las Vegas. She joined MUN during her 1st year of college after debating for 7 years on the local and national circuit. Last year she staffed BruinMUN and LAMUN and has enjoyed competing as a member of the travel team. Beyond MUN, Sam is a member of UCLA’s rock climbing team, and she loves listening to live music, taking her Labrador Lily on car rides, and going to the beach. After graduating Sam hopes to be a policy analyst or work for a political think tank.
Alana Akiwumi
Director of Internal Relations
Alana Akiwumi is a third-year Anthropology Major and Global Studies minor from New Jersey. She has been involved with MUN since her freshman year of high school, staffing several UCLA MUN conferences, and will be chairing her first committee this year. As the Director of Internal Affairs, Alana is excited to host various soirees. Outside of MUN, Alana enjoys being a shopaholic, rewatching Gilmore Girls, being bad at Minecraft, editing friends' papers, and being part of the Black Pre-Law Journal. Looking ahead, Alana aspires to attend law school and pursue a career in Corporate or Cultural Heritage law.