Join Our Community

Who We Are

Model United Nations at UCLA is run by a dedicated team of undergraduates with an interest in international relations. We host a high school conference, a college conference, and field a competitive travel team.
Our high school conference is among the largest and most prestigious in the United States, drawing over 1,500 delegates from around the world. Our college conference is known for its innovative committees, has attracted the top college MUN teams in the country, and is currently ranked the #1 West Coast conference.
Our travel team has won many awards. The team has consistently participated in conferences hosted by Georgetown, Harvard, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, USC, University of Chicago, and McGill University. We are currently ranked Eighth in the nation and First on the West Coast.
Find out how to join below!

3 Ways to Get Involved

We hold general meetings a few times a quarter to go in-depth about what MUN is and the various ways to get involved. At general meetings, we share updates and announcements to keep all members in the loop.

These meetings are great for meeting prospective and current members of the team! Whether you are completely new to MUN or want to meet the team, anyone is welcome to attend general meetings. To get notified about general meetings join our Slack by following these instructions.

Not quite ready to compete, but excited to join our community? Staffing conferences are a low-commitment way to get insight into what Model UN is and meet new people. MUN at UCLA holds two conferences a year: BruinMUN and LAMUN.

Staffing can include anything from chairing a UN committee to acting out skits and more. No prior experience is necessary! We meet once a week to train, practice, and learn.

MUN at UCLA has a nationally recognized travel team that we are always looking to grow. We go everywhere from Boston to Chicago to Canada!

Whether you were an avid delegate in high school or are completely new to Model UN we welcome you to try out. We offer conferences for experienced delegates and newer members. Also offered before tryouts is a MUN101 session to brush up on your skills or learn what to expect during a tryout. We hold tryouts several times throughout the year. To learn more about the conferences we will be attending this year click here!

Stay Connected

The first step to joining is staying in the loop! Want to get notified about upcoming events? Tryouts? General meetings? Get to know other members of MUN? Join our Slack (primary mode of communication) plus stay connected by following our Instagram and joining our mailing list!

  • Further information on how to join Slack can be found here.

    This is the best way to stay up to date on whats happening!

  • Follow us @uclamun on Instagram

  • Join our mailing list below!

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