Le Club des Chefs des Chefs
Format: Large Spec
ROP Update
Recipe Speeches:
Recipe Speeches are a time for delegates to give speeches based on the recipes in their position papers and their cultural backgrounds. The point of these speeches is to promote each chef's unique culture and cuisine to increase relevance within the committee. It is an opportunity for delegates to be able to convince their peers on why their approach to gastrodiplomacy is suitable, using their culture and foodstuff as evidence. These speeches will be similar to a general speakers list in the sense that the main goal is to give an overview, and is used more as a platform for each chef. These speeches will occur in the first two days of committee after each directive cycle. The structure will be similar to that of a general speakers list, as we will revert back to it and take a set number of speakers at the chairs discretion.
The Food Fair:
Taking place during Committee Session IV, there will be a fair that will be hosted by the Club des Chefs des Chefs. This fair will be a way for chefs to create blocs and promote a certain number of dishes. The goal of this fair will be for delegates to come together with other chefs that have similar ideas on how to deal with the current issues at hand as well as gastrodiplomacy as a whole. Once chefs have found a group of like minded chefs, they will have the opportunity to either choose a set amount of dishes for them to promote that they had within their position papers or create a new set of dishes that utilize parts of each chef's unique influence. Regardless of whether the dishes are a new fusion or existing dishes, it is important that they reflect the path that those chefs believe is the best to take in regards to promoting key points on gastrodiplomacy. Once these groups and the dishes have been decided, delegates will then be given time to create a small booth that will have the goal of attracting potential customers and influencers, by convincing them why their approach to gastrodiplomacy is the best. Once the booths have been set up, other delegates from other committees may enter the room and will place a ticket near the booth that they believe laid out the most convincing case for the future of gastrodiplomacy. Promoting yourself, your blocs vision, as well as marketing are all key components that members of the Club de Chef des Chefs require. Keep in mind that the results of this fair are not the end all be all but, depending on the importance that delegates place on the fair in committee, could and should be used when thinking about and writing resolutions during Committee Session V and VI.
Whilst politics can sometimes divide people, good food always brings them back together.
- Le Club des Chefs des Chefs maxim
Le Club des Chefs des Chefs is an exclusive organization with around 100 members who are chefs to the heads of state of various countries. This year, the organization will gather in Lyon, France for its annual meeting.
The committee itself will discuss the importance of culinary diplomacy—also known as gastrodiplomacy— which is the use of food as a mechanism for public diplomacy. Throughout this summit, chefs will discuss their own culinary traditions to balance gastronomic preservation with culinary innovation. Delegates will also be focused on methods to promote their cuisine abroad.
From the beginning of committee, delegates will face culinary challenges provided by the dais. As debate continues, chefs will have the chance to demonstrate their culinary diplomacy skills by responding to updates about the changing food landscape and more. The committee as a whole will work towards establishing guidelines for the next year of culinary diplomacy to inform gastronationalism and larger corporations.
Le Club des Chefs des Chefs provides an innovative platform for spec delegates to interact with diplomacy and international relations through the lens of gastronomy.
Chair Letter
Hello Delegates,
My name is Raghu Kommalapaty and I will be the Chair for the Le Club des Chefs des Chefs committee at LAMUN XVII! I firstly just want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to prepare for and attend this committee and also welcome you to what I am hoping to be an insightful, fruitful, and fun committee.
I am currently a sophomore at UCLA where I am planning to double major in both Global Studies and Economics. I am a proud Massachusetts native, so hopefully this gives you an understanding into my love for both basketball and football, go Celtics and Patriots, as well as all things that come with the snow. I also love to play any sort of pick-up sports as well as enjoy gaming and anime.
I started MUN in 7th grade and have never looked back. I loved the idea of being able to put unique ideas and solutions to work while meeting amazing, new people with similar ideas and interests. When I joined MUN at UCLA I was slightly unsure about how college MUN would function and whether I would fit in or not. However, I found my community here and loved the atmosphere, support, and people from not only my own club but from the countless delegates I have met from across the country. Since joining MUN in college I have staffed both our highschool conference and collegiate conference, had the pleasure of being the USG of GA at our most recent BruinMUN, and have traveled to conferences across the collegiate circuit.
I am incredibly excited to be able to Chair such a unique specialized committee. I cannot wait to see how you all as delegates will be able to combine the universality of cooking with solving pressing international issues, all while demonstrating the leadership skills that are absolutely needed in today's society. Our goal is to be able to take this topic and guide you as delegates to examine these critical problems from a new perspective to come up with creative solutions. So get your chef hats, utensils, aprons, and any ingredients cause we are about to cook up the greatest committee ever! (sorry if that was a little cheesy :) )
Raghu Kommalapaty
Chair | Club des Chefs des Chefs | LAMUN XVIII
CD Letter
Dear Delegates,
Welcome! My name is Veronica Reyes and I have the pleasure of serving as your CD for the Le Club des Chefs des Chefs at LAMUN 2023. I thank you for your time, hard work, and passion that drove you to participate in this committee.
I am a third-year at UCLA planning to double major in Global Studies and Economics. I was born and raised in SoCal and enjoy reading, snowboarding, and board games. I am hoping to pursue a career in foreign service and diplomacy. My Model United Nations involvement started my freshman year of college, online nonetheless, when the warm MUN community ensured me that it was never too late to start. I staffed BruinMUN and LAMUN in 2020-21 and fell in love with the exploration of different perspectives and collective passion for collaboration. My first experience chairing was for UNCSW during BruinMUN 2021, before chairing for the MLM Summit during LAMUN 2022, then acting as the USG for Novice GA in BruinMUN 2022. Despite the difficult transition to a hybrid conference, we persevered by adapting to change, remembering our passion for making a difference, and leaning on the bond within the MUN community, resulting in a smooth and successful conference. I expect and promise to ensure nothing less for this LAMUN.
I am beyond excited for this specialized body consisting of chefs from around the world. Delegates must show initiative and leadership to tackle short-term issues, but also compromise for the success of resolutions. I can’t wait to witness how delegates integrate the art of cooking into the art of diplomacy. Le Club des Chefs des Chefs provides an innovative platform for spec delegates to interact with diplomacy and international relations through the lens of gastronomy. I look forward to witnessing the visions and the ambition required to accomplish these goals.
Veronica Reyes
CD | Club des Chefs des Chefs | LAMUN XVIII