Cabinet of the Pandavas: The Mahabharata
Note Freeze Mechanic
When addressing your crisis notes, from now on, please address it to mortals (such as your spouse, worker, etc)
Then, within the note to aforementioned mortal, please mention which God you want to gain a boon from, what the boon would entail, and why you want siad boon
After that, backroom will process the note and inform you what boon you received and how much the note freeze is
Then, for the next x number of notes, delegates will not be able to write notes on that specific notepad and the backroom staffer will keep a tally of how the note rounds in which you cannot write on that notepad
Delegates can cite the resources/services they gained from the boon in their other notepad and in JPDs immediately after it has been granted
It all starts with one fateful game of dice. The Pandava brothers have lost their kingdom, wealth, and dignity. Lost, exiled, and searching for answers, this Cabinet of the Pandavas requires you to maneuver through the enthralling world of ancient India to rectify the humiliating injustice.
The Mahabharata, a Sanskrit epic, is one of the foundational stories of Indian lore, the root from which all other stories in India emanate. The protagonists are a group of five brothers, the children of a king named Pandu—Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva—who are more commonly known as the Pandavas. The epic has it all: action, romance, drama, treachery. Their enemies are the Kauravas, a group of 100 brothers, who rigged a game of dice to swindle the Pandavas of what was rightfully theirs.
As the cabinet of the Pandavas, it is your job to advise and assist the Pandavas navigate this perilous situation so that they can reclaim what is rightfully theirs—even if the struggle is bloody. Whether you are a warrior or a wise sage, your decisions will impact and ultimately control their fate.
Does the arc of the universe bend towards justice?
Chair Letter
Dear Delegates,
My name is Kamran Sheriff (he/him) and it is my pleasure to be your Chair. I welcome you to the Pandavas Committee for LAMUN XVIII. I am a second-year Political Science student with an ambition to double major in another unknown subject in the future. I considered doing Model UN in high school but opted for Speech and Debate instead. Eventually, I luckily caved in and joined the UCLA Model UN team at the beginning of my first year in college. Since then, I have competed at a couple of conferences and have staffed BruinMUN last year and this year, as well as the Ad Hoc last year for LAMUN XVII. I enjoy reading various nonfiction and fantasy books and dominating my friends in Super Smash Bros.
As you embark on your research and explore this committee, you will be greeted by a wonderful world laden with deities and the legend of the 5 brothers in the legend of Pandavas: Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahedeva. Upon sitting down in the committee room, you will explore the world of the epic Mahabharata and carve out your own version of that journey while navigating challenges in myth, belief, and diplomacy. I sincerely hope that as you take the world in and brainstorm your arcs, you can stop and smell the roses as it were: that you appreciate and become enchanted with the stories that will be featured in this committee and in the Background Guide. With that, I am really looking forward to seeing you very soon!
Kamran Sheriff
Chair | Cabinet of the Pandavas: The Mahabharata | LAMUN XVIII
CD Letter
Salutations Delegates,
I am Pradyumn Acharya and it’s my great pleasure to serve as the crisis director for Cabinet of the Pandavas: The Mahabharata at LAMUN XVIII. I’m a second-year Linguistics and Computer Science major hailing from the vibrant city of Fremont, California. Beyond academics, I follow and play cricket, as well as write articles for the Daily Bruin, UCLA’s student newspaper. I’m mainly interested in the latter portion of my major, which is indicative of my aspiration to join or found a tech startup. With such a background, it’s a wonder how I ended up in MUN.
In college, I joined UCLA MUN my freshman year and have been involved with all facets of the club—the high school conference, the college conference, and the travel team.
While I did do MUN in high school, I only truly got an in-depth experience with crisis committees in college. Having competed in crisis committees and having staffed one as well, the universes in which they all take place are filled with compelling and intriguing lore. The dynamic and frenetic nature of crisis committees never cease to provide a challenge for delegates. I enjoy the platform these committees provide for creative, unorthodox solutions, and I hope this committee is no exception.
The Mahabharata is one of two core epics of the Indian psyche. Though comparable to analogous Western epics like Homer’s Odyssey and the Iliad, the Mahabharata is much, much longer and the parables contained within the text are known and retold by Indians all over. I’m looking forward to observing how you navigate this truly marvelous world.
Whether this is your first crisis committee or your last rodeo, my number-one priority is to work with all of you to ensure you have a fantastic, memorable time.
Pradyumn Acharya
CD | Cabinet of the Pandavas: The Mahabharata | LAMUN XVIII