Slack Instructions
1. Log into with your UCLA Logon ID
2. Go to and copy your email address exactly as displayed there (be careful about vs., or better yet just copy and paste)
3. Send an email to (yes, this is a valid email) with the subject line: [First Name] [Last Name] [Email Address that is displayed in step 2]
For example, mine would be [Sam] [Lyle] []
If you right click the aforementioned email address, you should have the option to “Copy email address”
You can leave the body of the email blank as long as you have formatted the subject line as specified above
4. About 24 hours after you have sent the email, open the Slack app on your desktop or phone and you should be in the Model UN at UCLA workspace
5. If it seems like you are not in the workspace or if you encounter any other problem, please refer to the Slack Troubleshoot Guide below or email Sam, the Director of Technology, at
Slack Troubleshoot Guide
Make sure you are requesting an invite to the email associated with your account. To find this email follow these steps.
Log into (not regular Slack). You should be prompted to use your UCLA logon.
Click your profile picture > profile > contact information
Copy that email and request an invitation
MUN at UCLA Slack is a workspace within UCLA Slack. This means they look identical. When you log into UCLA Slack check to see if you have two channels …
# Random
# General
These are both MUN Slack channels and if you are seeing these it means you are in!
You may need to add the workspace to your account. To do this…
Go to “Add Workspace” > add another workspace
Confirm your email address
An option to add the MUN slack should pop up or the MUN slack itself should pop up
You should see the #general and # random channels. If you see these you are in!